Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Idaho Part Two

The above pictures show our favorite part of Idaho and the saddest part when we have to leave.
We had lots of fun playing with the girlies. They all have different personalities and are fun to be with. Marlee is the best little baby. She never cries and sleeps most of the time. Her older sisters love to hold and entertain her.

Derek helped work on Josh and Michelle's new home. I know they will be glad when it is time to move in.

Marley was blessed while we were there and then we had a delicious lunch at Josh's parents house. Sandy and Craig put on a wonderful lunch and we had fun visiting with their family.

While the men folk were working on the new house, Michelle and I took the girls to the park to play. It turned out to be a hot day! There was no shade where the playground equipment was so we didn't stay as long as the girls would have liked.

On our last day there we went with Josh and Michelle and rode the ski lift up to the top of Targhee. You feel like you are on top of the world. Where we are standing at the summit and it is 10,000 ft elevation, with a 2,000 ft vertical drop. It was windy up there and a little scary. It's hard to see the big drop in the picture. The Tetons are in the background. Derek is a bit nervous about heights but did pretty good.
Thanks again to Josh and Michelle for having us stay with you for the week we had a wonderful time.

Trip Down Memory Lane

Well I'm not one to post surveys and chains, but this one caught my attention, so I'm going to post it and see what happens. Here's how it works:Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember!Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Monday, August 11, 2008

On The Road Again

July 31 we left to visit Michelle and her family, as Marley was being blessed on that sunday.
Derek forgot to set his alarm, so we were off to a late start. As we were going out the door I couldn't find my keys to lock the house and Derek had given his house key to our daughter in law who was going to be staying at our home while we were gone. So we spent half an hour looking for my keys so we could lock up. Finally found them in the bottom of a trash bag. So off we went. Just as we were passing the tail end of the big BM (Battle Mountain) the van died as I was cruising down the road. So I coasted up the road as far as we could go and pulled off to the side. It was dead as a door knob. Derek felt it was the fuel pump. After several attemps to start the van I called information for the number to a tow truck company and just got their answering machine when I called them. So I asked Derek to just try it one more time. It started! So off we went back into Battle Mountain in search of the parts store I remembered seeing from the freeway. But of course they didn't have the part and suggested we go on to Elko, 70 miles down the road. Half an hour later the van dies again only to start and sputter down the road about 2 miles and hour and then die again. We waited for awhile and it started and we took off only to repeat this about every half hour. When we finally make it to Elko we spot a Carquest auto store and they have the part for a mere $250.00. Derek asks them if we can work on our car in their parking lot and they kindly said yes! So of course Derek is in one of his best shirts and has only brought his best shirts so I loan him one of mine. He backs the car up onto the curb and proceeds to drop down the fuel tank of the van so he can replace the fuel pump. What a job! It took him a little over an hour to get the van back in running order. As he is working on it I am busy reading and he says aren't you going to take pictures so you can blog this. So here are the pictures !

And then he starts singing Don't I look good in your shirt, his own version of Keith Urbans Don't you look good in my shirt.
Stay tuned for more on the trip to Idaho. (Who named that state?)